"The Seas of Naples"
Environmental, Naturalistic and Cultural Education Project
With the immense archaeological heritage and the extraordinary richness of ecosystems that characterizes its seabed, the Marine Protected Area Gaiola Underwater Park can be considered as a real ecological laboratory. Here you can experience the bond between humans and the sea, understanding the importance of protecting the historical and naturalistic heritage of this unique and beautiful area in the Bay of Naples.
The educational project, called "I Mari di Napoli" (The Seas of Naples) aims to guide new generations to the rediscovery of the marine universe, which, despite representing the everyday life and the history of a seaside city like Naples, is too much often ignored and completely unknown to those who live here every day.
The name of the project, borrowed from a famous novel by Matilde Serao, wants to emphasize the different aspects and "values" of the sea for the city of Naples, from the naturalistic to the historical and archaeological perspectives.
Differentiated for elementary, middle and high schools, the educational project includes classroom lessons, workshop activities in the CeRD (Research and Dissemination Center) of the Park, guided tours with the Aquavision transparent-bottomed boat, archaeological excavation workshop and also sea-watching activities, with mask and fins for direct observation of the marine universe.
The project includes three different modules:
BIO module: You will discover the incredible biological resources of our sea, understanding how humans influence marine ecosystems and how the human-sea relationship has changed over time, damaging the marine resources. The Gaiola Underwater Park represents a real didactic laboratory on the field where you can experience the resources of our sea.
ARCHEO MODULE: Through a journey following the traces of people who have inhabited our coasts, you will discover our roots and our history, experiencing the thrill of exploration through the simulation of an archaeological excavation in the Pausilypon Archaeological and Environmental Park.
NATURE module: you will experience the typical Mediterranean flora and fauna of the Posillipo coast, which represents a real "didactic garden". Through naturalistic drawing workshops and direct observation of nature, you will experience the concept of biodiversity and conservation of nature and its resources.
I risultati preliminari del Progetto presso l'AMP Parco Sommerso di Gaiola sono stati discussi al Primo Convegno FEAMP 2014-2020 organizzato dall'AMP Capo Milazzo.
30.11 - 01.12 2023
Sarà il Parco Sommerso di Gaiola, ad organizzare ed ospitare il Secondo Workshop Nazionale dedicato al Progetto FEAMP nelle Aree Marine Protette Italiane.
Una due giorni, il 30 Novembre e l'1 Dicembre 2023, di confronto tra gli esperti e gli stakeholders coinvolti nei diversi progetti attuati nella aree marine protette nazionali, per discutere e condividere le metodologie sperimentate, i risultati ottenuti, i futuri sviluppi e prossimi obiettivi nell'ambito del Progetto FEAMP 2014-2020.